When delving into anything written by Bob Woodward, one must give serious credence to his somewhat liberal bent. He is after all the slayer of the un-slayable Conservative Richard Nixon. He has been outspoken in his support of President Obama, and his policies. However, Woodward is still a top rate journalist and is, for the most part able to step off the slant and do his job well. This book is well researched and very well documented. Look not for any “Deep Throat” type sources, but Woodward does interview those that are pertinent to the story at all levels.
I read this book as the combat almost two full years after the last combat troops were pulled out of Iraq, and during the handover to NATO troops in Afghanistan, but the insight to those decisions could not be clearer. Throughout the book, Woodward documents the critical decisions making process taken by the administration, that at times was nearly paralyzed by turf wars and backbiting.
Early into the book Woodward’s bias is first betrayed. In the first few chapters great pain is taken to describe the pitfalls of the Bush administration’s handling of the war, and the residue of those maneuvers on current events. As the book proceeds, it is easy to see a “us verse them” mentality between military and civilian leaders was very present and well established by the time President Obama takes office. The facts, as presented by Woodward, show the measures taken first by Candidate Obama, President-Elect Obama and finally President Obama to utilize the military. Those measures were soundly rebuffed on all fronts with few exceptions.